Monday, September 26, 2005

Raw coding is nonthinking work, apparently

I read this in an InfoWorld article:
People go into an offshore deal thinking itÂ’s only the nonthinking work [they] can move offshore -- the raw coding
Wow, so writing software requires no thought?

Even if it's not required, I will continue to think about the code I write, while my primary goal remains delivering business value. Maybe there was some time when coding had nothing to do with the proper business people who do all the "real thinking", but that time has passed.


At 1:21 pm, Blogger John said...

I frequently encounter code that supports that satement. And it's not just the offshore folks, either.

It reminds me of a colleague who said that he didn't like C++ because only 4 in 10 programmers could write in C++. Now we have languages, like Java, that most programmers can write. Alas, it still doesn't mean that they can program; and it shows when you look at their code.

At 12:50 pm, Blogger Websafe said...

And writing HTML/CSS from scratch has become very difficult, in my opinion -- it's some of the hardest work I've ever done.


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